Sunday, June 12, 2011


Around these parts, we have a saying: June Gloom.  Which is typically followed by heads nodding, eyes to the floor, maybe even a pouty lip.  School's out, summer clothes are on sale.  Sure, we buy them, but we cover them up with a sweatshirt.  It's foggy chilly here. 

So I have decided that this post will help me focus on the sunny things, the great things about summer!

*  I have no school lunches to pack
*  I still buy watermelon, but it doesn't stain my cute white pants because they are covered up by a blanket
*  Our boat gets to leave the driveway... in search for sun... and usually finds it a few hours away
*  No one (me) gets upset at anyone else because the kids are up a little later than normal
*  Homemade ice cream, pies, bar-be-que, corn on the cob, mmmmm
*  School consists of finding lizards and classifying them according to tails on or off
*  Flip flops all day, every day
*  The fresh smell in the morning doesn't remind me that I have allergies

I hope you enjoy your summer day- gloom or sunshine- enjoy this day!