Wednesday, July 27, 2011

blanket blog

My MIL has one.
My own mom has two.
And I couldn’t find one anywhere.

We have these two rocking chairs on our back porch. My husband and I love to sit out in the morning and read the Word, or in the evening with a cocktail most likely discussing the kids. The problem is: I’m a wuss. I can hang for a few minutes, but then I get cold. I must go
inside and conversation is all done. So I have been wanting a blanket to keep me warm.

As earlier mentioned, my MIL has this yummy down blanket, and my
mom has the softest blankies ever made. EVER.

So June rolls around and I start shopping... not the best time to shop for a blanket. Went to the exact stores they bought theirs at… plus 658 more. And nothing. Sure, itchy,
static-producing ones. But nothing that will want to make me stay outside longer.

That is until I went online. Why must everything be for sale online?
Anytime of the year, you can buy a lovely down blanket.  You can even get one in a lap size so it doesn't drag in the chicken poop left on the porch.  In fact, you can buy two if you’re me. You’ll get no lecture from me about how in the good ole’ days you had to walk to a store and
actually talk to someone… nope, get me the burrowing bounty of bliss… in the middle of summer please.

So we are out there every morning and a number of evenings enjoying the land God gave us. Me snuggley, Hubby just as content.

Enjoy your porch snuggley wherever you are.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

park progress

When the kids were babies, we lived around the corner from a park.  Being a stay at home mom with 2 littles, we went for daily walks and always ended up at the park. 

Today we revisited that park.  Same old slides, same swings, same bark chips. 

Except not. 

Today the girls didn't need to me to push them on the baby swings for 20 minutes.  They can pump!  No one needed me to catch them coming down the slide.  I didn't even hear a, "Mommy, watch this." 

Whoa, this is happening fast.  Funny how when you are in it, you forget to be "in it." 

I loved the hours spent with my girls at the park.  I am loving the hours spent doing new adventures with my girls.  It seems we are on this road to independence and I just want to gobble them up. 


Sunday, June 12, 2011


Around these parts, we have a saying: June Gloom.  Which is typically followed by heads nodding, eyes to the floor, maybe even a pouty lip.  School's out, summer clothes are on sale.  Sure, we buy them, but we cover them up with a sweatshirt.  It's foggy chilly here. 

So I have decided that this post will help me focus on the sunny things, the great things about summer!

*  I have no school lunches to pack
*  I still buy watermelon, but it doesn't stain my cute white pants because they are covered up by a blanket
*  Our boat gets to leave the driveway... in search for sun... and usually finds it a few hours away
*  No one (me) gets upset at anyone else because the kids are up a little later than normal
*  Homemade ice cream, pies, bar-be-que, corn on the cob, mmmmm
*  School consists of finding lizards and classifying them according to tails on or off
*  Flip flops all day, every day
*  The fresh smell in the morning doesn't remind me that I have allergies

I hope you enjoy your summer day- gloom or sunshine- enjoy this day!

Monday, May 9, 2011

And then there were 4

One of the selling factors to this house was that it already had a chicken coop.... not that I've ever raised chickens.  I'm not even that fond of birds.  I secretly think they will peck my eyes out.  Just look at them, they're so shifty....

But chickens aren't really birds.

I waited almost a year.  Give time for my Mr. who is not always excited about change, to try them.  We got 6 day old chicks a few weeks ago.  They were so small.  We got the heating lamp, a small coop, feeder, it all.  The entire family (including the dog) warmed up to them.  The girls and I carried them around in our pockets.  Even Ryan enjoyed their antics.  One night when the heat lamp went out, Ryan let them stay inside by a portable heater.  Of course I got up every few hours to check on them.  They were asleep. 

The point is, they have become kind of like a mall watching activity of ours.  They have personalities, and you can almost hear them:

the big one- I'm awesome, I'm awesome
the pretty one- like, oh my gosh, you totally picked at your poo
the follower- where did he go?  where did he go?  I'm lost.
the scavenger- food, food, wood shaving, poo- eww, food, food...
the jock- watch this guys (pathetic attempt at flying)

Anyway, they are fun fun!

That is until yesterday. 

Petite died.

Then today, Fluffy Fluff Fluffy Fluff (guess who named that one) flew the coop.  I can't decide if she really disliked her name, or she fell in love with a hawk and the two of them wen to live in harmony elsewhere.

So now, we are down to four.

Which will give us 20 eggs a week... plenty..... that is, if they don't become birds and peck my eyes out.  My Mr. probably won't let me keep them then.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Yesterday we were talking about God's commandment to give our first 10% to Him.  It made me wonder... what if He asked us to give our first 50% (gulp) OR what if it was just our first 1%... I'd bet we'd STILL have a hard time doing it. 

We act as if God needs our money.  I think He's saying, "Silly Amy, I give you money, and this command for you, FOR you!"  I don't know about you, but I have been known to pray, "Oh Lord, please help us make it to the end of the month."  Imagine the number of conversations we'd miss with our Father if we didn't get to play with our money. 

So give, spend, enjoy your finances today.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Have you been there?

Have you? 

Have you been in that place where it's all black and yucky feeling. 

Where you feel like you should do something: eat, pray, something, but all you can do it sit.  Sit and cry. 

I heard the worst news today.  Someone I love is in a bad place.  And there is nothing I can do about it.  I can't make things happy, can't make them think the way I do... which is really what I want to do. 

The beauty of God's free will is just that.... people get to make the wrong decisions.  Which makes me ache. 

I am praying that I accept people for all their decisions, changes, love them no matter what.  To feel, not judge.  To love, not tell them what to think, to do, to decide.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter blessings

About a year ago, we took in a cute little puppy. See....

He is now 100 pounds.... what were we thinking?!?

Jake is wonderful at sharing his special things with us. 

Yep, that's a gopher

Now, around here we all know what Easter is really about.  Jesus!  And to prove that, Jake found the Easter Bunny and showed him who's boss.  Yesterday, he walked around for 3 hours with half a rabbit sticking out of his mouth.  At first I was grossed out, and sad to see this bunny's hopping days come to an end.  But then I remembered, "Peter Rabbit"  and the garden I was planting.  That dog saved my future bounty!  So carry the cotton tail around all you want.  Then I got sad again because the dog put the bunny somewhere special before I got a picture of it.  Now I have no visual image to share with you all.  Bet you are relieved.

Happy Easter all!  Enjoy Jesus' blessings!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

sportin' the sports

Now I get it!

Growing up I played a variety of sports.  My parents used to tell me, 'Great job Amy!  We are proud of you."  As a child, that was fortunately just normal vocabulary to me.  (I blame my adult confidence on them)  Then as a teenager, I outwardly brushed those comments off.  And inwardly relished them. 

The background info is that I knew I wasn't the star of the team.  I think I made exactly zero baskets while playing basketball, screamed when that pitcher threw the ball for me to hit (as if) and track... well, I hid behind the bleachers when the all-county meet came.  I am the first to sign up for an event, the skill part just lags behind my confidence.  And for those of you who feel sorry for my lack of athletic prowlness, don't worry, I eventually found some of it. 

Now I have a 4 1/2 and 7 year old playing stuff.  And I get it!  I am the one yelling "Great job!"  And it hardly matters if it was a great job or not.  Thankfully, the girls got my willingness to join teams, and my hubby's skill at them. 

Claire started her first softball team a few months ago.  Her first game, she jumped in as catcher- never having put the gear on made for a very funny walk.  But that didn't matter, I still took 6,583 pictures.
Hey batter, batter....

Who's competitive here????

Clarie is all about the gear.  Which is exactly why my husband started playing catcher.   

Can we take a moment and notice the size difference? 

Hi Mom.

Now this is what I remember about softball- dancing!

 And now because I will feel bad if I don't at least mention the second athlete:  Ella is taking a social break from sports this spring... but here's a tribute to her fall soccer days:|
"I will stand right here until I have all of your attention"

Hottest day ever!  EVER!

While it is ubber-important for me to cheer my kids on when I see them out on the field.  I have to reflect on the act of encouraging others off the field. 
Don't you just LOVE how smart God is!  He loves me so much that he allows US to encourage others.  I know 100% some of God's work for me is to build others up.  Some games I am totally in and I am cheering others as I am created to do.  And there are other "games" where I blow it.  I forget who's team I am rooting for.  But thankfully, there's always a game going on where I can get back in it.  And thankfully I have many who cheer me on ... daily sometimes! 

So whether you had this or not in your life, I just want to say, "Great job you!  You are awesome!"

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


The 4 year old is sick today.  Which means I have a day at home that was unplanned.  6 hours!  What do I do!  I put this pressure on myself to do really great things when times like this happen.  I feel like I should paint the entire house or write a letter to everyone I know.  Extra things.
I decided that I would create a visual “to do” list.  Taking pictures of the things I hoped to accomplish would be way more fun than actually doing them.  And maybe inspire me to do them. Pictures of the plants I hoped to get into the garden, grout to be cleaned, the one window ledge to be painted, sports equipment to be organized…. Complete with “after” pictures of course. 
Made my mental list.  Got out the camera.  Ready. Dead battery.  Hmmph. 
While the battery charged, I decided to go to the “normal” chores.  I washed dishes, vacuumed AND moped the house, did 3 loads of laundry, stripped and made all the beds, sorted mail, cleaned the bathroom WITH bleach (nothing like watching your child throw up on the floor to break out the good cleaning stuff), put clothes away, and toys (who will invent a toy that will put itself away?)
Proof:  Can you see the floor shine?

I guess it’s better that the camera didn’t want to work.  My list-making personality is happy because I have a really clean house and it's only 9 am!  So now onto the extra chores, or is it sun basking time?
Happy Spring cleaning!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

spring has sprung

So spring officially began March 20th, but I don't particularly enjoy the "in like a lion" part of spring. So I kinda hibernated through that. 
"Out like a lamb" ahh.... we are basking in beauty here.

This tree had no growth two days ago.. See today!

He has made everything beautiful in its time.
Ecclesiastes 3:11

So true!  When I was living in big ole' sin, I was ugly.  U-G-L-Y.  I still looked kinda like me, but I didn't like me.  I left my college town the day I graduated because I thought I could escape that ugly. Nope, He had a time for me.  He met me as soon as I came home (literally and figuratively), and beautiful-ied me.  (let's just pretend that's an actual word)  I still have my days, but because of His love, I like me!!!!

And I really must end with this:

As I was inside looking for Scriptural inspiration, look what my two cherubs were up to:

God made dirt...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

pantry panic

We need to talk about my pantry.  R& I have already remodeled a kitchen.... and we are 2/3s through our second house remodel.  In house #1, I had the perfectly designed kitchen.  I had a huge pantry that I loved.  It had sliding drawers, nice deep shelves for Costco overbuys, an entire cereal section.  It was great. 
So imagine my fear when I realized our current house has no place for a pantry.  Yes, well, that didn't stop us.  We smooshed two cabinets in between a door and a window.  We will eventually add knobs so it will look like one piece of furniture.  Problem is, our last pantry was HUGE, this one is only 12 inches deep.  How in the world will I fit everything in?!?!  Granted we are not completely moved in yet (like I said, no knobs) but I. LOVE. IT!!!!!!
Because it's not deep, I haven't lost a thing.  I know where the kidney beans are.  They can't migrate behind their long-lost cousins- you know: garbanzos.  And it has lots of shelves, which means everything has a place.  None of this crackers-next-to-the-pasta nonsense. 

And closed... white joy!!!
 Did you notice the jars?  Poor Ryan has to reach up every morning to get the coffee beans?  But I love them.  They are a visual delight to me.

Hope you all have some storage somewhere you love just as much.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

process with me

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  - Philippians 4:6

On a normal day I'm totally with ya Paul.  I get it.  I will not worry.  I give it to you Lord.  'I am so obedient to God's Word' I think.  That is, until there is something to stew about.  And tonight there's some stewing a brewing.  My brain will not turn off.  My heart wants to turn off.  My husband probably wants my mouth to turn off.  My head, oh my head.  Just keeps turning things around.

I need to break this verse down:

Do not- I really can't misinterpret that.... do not

be anxious- if I replace that with some synonyms it could read:
    Do not be fearful, discouraged, perplexed, upset, uneasy....
Which of course is precisely how my wordly perspective wants me to feel right now.  I need to make a decision about next year and I am thrown.  I thought I knew.  I thought I had a plan, but now I don't, which has caused me to be fearful, discouraged, perplexed, upset, uneasy... you know- anxious.

about anything- yes, even this Amy

but in everything- sometimes I want to categorize things.  Like this pile is the big stuff I am not going to worry about, let God handle it- the kids safety at school, world peace, my own health... but this other pile is so small surely God will allow me to worry about it.  But "everything" is that little pile too. 

by prayer and petition- did you know prayer is a noun?  and petition is a verb?  I thought they were pretty much the same thing.  But I think God is telling me that one requires some action.  So stop wasting my time on the action of worry, and change it to the action of petitioning Him.

with thanksgiving- well now there.... that changes things.  If I look at the idea of decision making as a blessing, it gives me hope.  An antonym for thanks is curse.  Which is exactly what I have been giving myself with my worry. 

present your requests to God-  I am now ready to do so.  Through dissecting this verse, God has cleansed my heart.  Purified me to see Him in the decision making process.  Now I can lay before my beloved my heart. 

This doesn't mean I know what to do about next year.  But the peace, oh the peace that comes with reading His Word is worth more than any answer I could come up with right now. 

Isn't it funny how I printed that verse out for my daughter earlier tonight, but I am the one who needed it.... funny?  Or divine?!?!

Monday, March 14, 2011


My first grader has gotten into Nancy Drew stories.... which is a huge upgrade from the Star Wars "stories" we have been reading.  Don't get me wrong- I am a fan of the intergalactic battles between good and the dark side.  But the books have not been a literary delight. 

Enter Nancy.  Last night Clarie's questions while reading were:
1.  Why does Nancy always wear dresses?
2.  What does luncheon mean?
3.  And impervious?

And my favorite: 
4. Do you think Nancy played soccer?

Thank you Carolyn Keene for writing about a girl who is strong and intelligent, even if she had to wear a dress. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I have thought for years about blogging... I even created a fake blog on my laptop, or as my mom calls it, my wireless computer.  And after accidentally clicking on a friends post this morning, I created THIS.  THIS.  Who knows if it'll be read, probably by my mom if she can figure out her wireless computer.  I'll stop being self-depricating, which is not natural to me, and DO THIS!

It seems to me that blogs usually have a hook- someone writes about their recipes, their crafts, their kids.... still working on that one.  I suppose that one should create their "mission statement" then "do this"  But that's not my style.  I am a jummer innner..... and yes, that could totally be a word.  I love love love starting things.  And that's about it.  Which is why I wisely married a finisher.  He's nervous to start, so I come in, and DO THIS.

Journey with me as I discover the blessings in life that are worth blogging about.

So this blog is started.... Ryan will be home soon to finish it.